FELLOW AMPHIBIANS! It's okay to feel grouchy about this never-ending, slow-motion horror show. We're all in this together. Frogs, be extra cozy with each other in the comments this week! Can you feel it? Something is just around the corner. It's about to get WEIRD!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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These 2 things amplify our negative emotions very often. Yes definitely start by eating something. Try to add something vegetable or fruit related to that cheeseburger if u can. As far as tired. Lately my small group has really been diving deep into the fourth commandment. Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. This was truly an area I really gave no attention to. Yes I slept at night and rested after work and stuff but I never truly gave it the value it deserves. There is a reason God says that. It acts as a reset for us because humans tend to get into routines and our routines are based in earthy desires and things. Its something that has really helped me. Would love to talk more if u want.
As far as the cabin. Wow that's so awesome. Sounds like a worthy thing to build up. I often set goals for myself and usually fail many of them. Humans tend to wanna have everything now or in our own time frames. What's important is allow yourself some grace as well. Yes try to set goals but realize we all fail at many many things each and every day. When I fail I always give it back to Jesus. Realize that God has a plan and we need to align with that or the plans fail. Patience is a tough thing to learn. But the reward in the end is always worth it. Count your blessings not your failures. God will provide and his plans are perfect. When u get overwhelmed use that as a sign to pray and read the Bible. I know u can do this friend. Also remember the build up is part of the journey. God has funny ways of teaching and guiding us. You are setting up a new way a living. That's never easy. But it will strengthen u. Feel free to reach out to me whenever u just need to vent. Try to take things day by day as much as u can. God loves u and he wants to hear your pain and struggles. Not saying your not (I honestly don't know) but it often helps me to be reminded. A brand new way is coming and your laying the foundation for something truly beautiful. Will be praying for u fren. Idk if any of this helps. Hope It doesn't come off to preachy. Love u fren. God bless
Sundays were my days to work at home. I have been trying very hard not to work. It is rather difficult because I work from home. BUT, I enjoy what I do, so is it really work? Anyway, my 21 year old son also works with me. He has NOOOOOOooo problem not working on Sundays.