FELLOW AMPHIBIANS! It's okay to feel grouchy about this never-ending, slow-motion horror show. We're all in this together. Frogs, be extra cozy with each other in the comments this week! Can you feel it? Something is just around the corner. It's about to get WEIRD!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Aww fren I know it's not exactly what u are looking for but I am sending my love your way along with a 🤗 hug. Wish I could give u a real hug and just chill with u.
I can relate to that feeling you have friend. The feeling of loneliness and not fitting in. We are often our own worst enemies. I got kicked out of Marines for drugs and battled myself for 10 years as I drove head first into meth and heroin. Only by the Grace of God was I set free. So let's start there. Do u have any sort of spiritual life. Or did u grow up with Christ in your house at all? Where do u currently stand on Jesus Christ.
My name is Ryan and I will be your friend. Would u be ok if I reached out to you daily so we could maybe get to know each other better, or even just continue talking with but keep stuff vague. I will never push u to reveal anything u don't want to. God has just called me to put myself out there so I felt led to atleast put the offer out there. We can talk in PM or on another app, or even in text if u feel led to go that route. No pressure either way. I look forward to talking more with u and want u to know I love u but most of all Jesus loves u. Truly when u take Jesus away from me I am very much the same as u in many ways. Although we all are unique as well. Feel free to lay your troubles out before me brother(?) I wanna be that friendly ear that can help however u need it.
I Know how that is. I never felt like I fit in. I had adhd as a child, still do, but I don't really call it that... lol ... another story. I drank and partied alllll the time. In fact from probably age 14 to 48. I regret a lot of things, but learned to forgive myself. I found God (Not that He was Lost) I love to joke around. I am still learning about God, Jesus, and everything. I am still fighting the Battlefield of the Mind, but it is just not as bad.