FELLOW AMPHIBIANS! It's okay to feel grouchy about this never-ending, slow-motion horror show. We're all in this together. Frogs, be extra cozy with each other in the comments this week! Can you feel it? Something is just around the corner. It's about to get WEIRD!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Yes Julie Green can often be very uplifting. I have tried reaching out to her, would love to have her on my podcast to hear her testimony and interview her. It's very hopeful thinking but I know if it's God's will it will work out. I had to atleast try. If your willing would love to have prayer for this hopeful request 😁🙏
Prayed for you!
Aww ty you so much. That means the world to me. God bless u fren. much love
Ditto ❤️
Before I head to bed for the night. Is there some way I can pray for u?
I love listening to JG!! Prayed for you too.
Aww ty so much for the prayer. Means the world to me. God bless u.