FELLOW AMPHIBIANS! It's okay to feel grouchy about this never-ending, slow-motion horror show. We're all in this together. Frogs, be extra cozy with each other in the comments this week! Can you feel it? Something is just around the corner. It's about to get WEIRD!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

I don't have a TV face and won't be putting it out there. I don't have a TV voice either. So if I have narration on my videos, it will be AI.
Besides, if I got started talking about the Bible, I would talk too long and say a lot of truth that most people don't believe.
Aww your much to hard on yourself fren. However I completely understand..I'm not here to try and pressure u. It's more a show about testimony rather then debating the bible. So no one can really say anything about it because it's your journey. I will ask u to pray on it. See if God is guiding u to maybe step out of your comfort zone. Those are always the best experiences once u get past the negative feeling. If I'm being honest I still get nervous about each episode myself. God just guided me to start it so I did. No pressure like I said. Either way I will be praying for ur content. God bless