Ummm... Pedes be "freaking out" over the collapse of SVB, but—did *you* have a ton of cash in SVB? No! But tons of woke faggot companies did! PAY ATTENTION to how hard the woke faggots are losing! SVB was the deep state's most protected bank! And yet, they're losing?? WATCH! TRUMP IS IN CONTROL!
- N C S W I C -

This is a [DS] move to PREVENT their assets from being seized and sold in any kind of panic (because PANIC is coming) at firesale prices. These guys and the couple institutions behind them are overleveraged in a way that FAR FAR exceeds even the most RETARDO of institutions in this market environment.
And easy does it! What did they buy that was SO TOXIC exactly? Ten year T Bill's? LMAO. The fact that this news and attempts to recapitalize via the open market caused THIS should tell you something about our current moment.
The STREET doesn't TRUST or RESPECT U.S. BONDS! That's the story here.
Oh and the Biden admin decided to give the regionals ALL THEIR MONEY BACK for bonds for the next 12 months because NO ONE WANTS the SHIT SVB paper. It's as good as Charmin as we learned over the weekend.
Good comment, Fren! This is the kind of counter-analysis that keeps our conversations at GAW the SPICIEST and most raw!
Thank you for your insight!