I love hearing other sides. However, I’m going to side with Robert Malone here.. I got a lot of information watching that and also reading the comment after.. however. One comment that really jumped out was:
“ This video makes a lot of claims that experts (at least that I respect, such as Dr. Judy Mikovitz) refute. In her case, she attacks the notion that viruses don't exist as a molecular biologist - Dr. Andrew Kaufman is well read but apparently has no professional experience there. I'd like to hear the two of them duke it out one day.
Another claim this video makes is that THE mechanism for Ivermectin attacking a parasite is by focusing on a living cell's functions, not a dead (virus) that has no functions. RFK Jr in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" mentions there are twenty known mechanisms of action for Ivermectin against parasites, not one.
This video makes a false evaluation about acute toxicity. 50mg/kg is the acute toxicity level (meaning suddenly toxic, easier to draw conclusions with than chronic toxicity, which takes a long time to develop.) In fact if you look up acute toxicity for just about anything (water, air, iodine, sodium) because it's well established you need the right amount of anything, too much of anything is toxic. Based on acute toxicity, further research dials back that number a LOT to evaluate potential benefit or harm of the drug (hence therapeutic dose of Ivermectin is 0.2mg/kg or 250x less than acute toxicity dose.)
Looking at the PubChem is somewhat cherry picking. Not wrong, but also not in context. The purpose of Ivermectin is a temporary system cleaner. Like fasting, a colon irrigation, or antibiotics, you don't see a lot of long-term or high-dose studies for the obviously bad things that happen.
Yet another example, referring to parasites consuming toxic metals in your body - those parasites linger until they die. Assuming dead parasites simply leave behind a bunch of toxic metals in your body kinda neglects to recognize the purpose of the liver, which detoxes you with sufficient bile (if you are not deficient in Iodine, among other things.) Without killing the parasite, the liver can't get rid of them or metals.
Germ theory is no less valid than Terrain theory - but neither are the whole story. You need to explain illness with the presence of an infectious disease and the weakened neurological system. The fact that some adhere only to one or the other is the idiocy (or arrogance). How relevant one or the other is to explain an illness is a case-by-case evaluation, but in general our immune systems are probably worse than our grandfathers, nor can that be instantly restored, so we should have a look at those parasites, too”
And to add, I have a full blown family, no one was vaccinated and whenever we felt anything coming on, it did wonders. I don’t remember going this long without being sick? I have a mother who relied solely on ivm and she has chronic Lyme, fully paralyzed and had no issues. Obviously, some people may experience different effects? I’m sure but overall, I’m team ivm. Too much leaning on the positive for now. We have a ton of shit from hcq, ivm, fenbendazole, CD/MMS, etc. ivm has been our goto.
I love hearing other sides. However, I’m going to side with Robert Malone here.. I got a lot of information watching that and also reading the comment after.. however. One comment that really jumped out was:
“ This video makes a lot of claims that experts (at least that I respect, such as Dr. Judy Mikovitz) refute. In her case, she attacks the notion that viruses don't exist as a molecular biologist - Dr. Andrew Kaufman is well read but apparently has no professional experience there. I'd like to hear the two of them duke it out one day.
Another claim this video makes is that THE mechanism for Ivermectin attacking a parasite is by focusing on a living cell's functions, not a dead (virus) that has no functions. RFK Jr in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" mentions there are twenty known mechanisms of action for Ivermectin against parasites, not one.
This video makes a false evaluation about acute toxicity. 50mg/kg is the acute toxicity level (meaning suddenly toxic, easier to draw conclusions with than chronic toxicity, which takes a long time to develop.) In fact if you look up acute toxicity for just about anything (water, air, iodine, sodium) because it's well established you need the right amount of anything, too much of anything is toxic. Based on acute toxicity, further research dials back that number a LOT to evaluate potential benefit or harm of the drug (hence therapeutic dose of Ivermectin is 0.2mg/kg or 250x less than acute toxicity dose.)
Looking at the PubChem is somewhat cherry picking. Not wrong, but also not in context. The purpose of Ivermectin is a temporary system cleaner. Like fasting, a colon irrigation, or antibiotics, you don't see a lot of long-term or high-dose studies for the obviously bad things that happen.
Yet another example, referring to parasites consuming toxic metals in your body - those parasites linger until they die. Assuming dead parasites simply leave behind a bunch of toxic metals in your body kinda neglects to recognize the purpose of the liver, which detoxes you with sufficient bile (if you are not deficient in Iodine, among other things.) Without killing the parasite, the liver can't get rid of them or metals.
Germ theory is no less valid than Terrain theory - but neither are the whole story. You need to explain illness with the presence of an infectious disease and the weakened neurological system. The fact that some adhere only to one or the other is the idiocy (or arrogance). How relevant one or the other is to explain an illness is a case-by-case evaluation, but in general our immune systems are probably worse than our grandfathers, nor can that be instantly restored, so we should have a look at those parasites, too”
And to add, I have a full blown family, no one was vaccinated and whenever we felt anything coming on, it did wonders. I don’t remember going this long without being sick? I have a mother who relied solely on ivm and she has chronic Lyme, fully paralyzed and had no issues. Obviously, some people may experience different effects? I’m sure but overall, I’m team ivm. Too much leaning on the positive for now. We have a ton of shit from hcq, ivm, fenbendazole, CD/MMS, etc. ivm has been our goto.