On Monday the 20th of March, One of the Opposition Political parties', The EFF which stands for Economic Freedom Fighters are Planning a National Shutdown...Any Business that remains open will be Looted and destroyed(Because that's what they do)... Last July we had RIOTS and Looting on a scale never seen before) They stole and destroyed EVERYTHING...Factories, warehouses, Car dealerships, supermarkets, etc...This was supposedly because the Ex-President (Jacob Zuma was found guilty of contempt of Court) and sentenced to 15 months in Prison... (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=july+riots+south+africa&atb=v314-1&ia=duckassist} 'They Never need a reason, Trust me...
Did I mention that this POS(Zuma) is the reason why we are in this fucking mess...He systematically destroyed this Country for the benefit of a few 'Comrades'(that's how they all refer to each other in Government, The ANC....and the Gupta Brothers, you might have heard of them... (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=gupta+brothers+south+africa&atb=v314-1)
Everybody I know is stocking up with ammunition as well as essentials...Just in case...(Our Esteemed police force is STRIKING on the very same day)..So what does that tell you...We're on our Own...
Now I'm Not saying that this will be the start of a Civil war but it has the potential to be much worse than the July riots because the Thugs of the EFF are Just that THUGS...They have no respect for Life...They would kill you for your cellphone...Plus they are SHEEP...They cannot think for themselves...So who knows where this will go...
It can go either way....I hope for the sake of my Country that its Nothing Serious...
Below are a few tweets from the EFF(The Organisers of the planned Shutdown) to give you a little insight into whats happening at the moment...
https://twitter.com/54Battalion/status/1635612373066350594 (A fighter...that's what they call their members..."Fighters")
https://twitter.com/FloydShivambu/status/1635602323895640066 (2nd in Command of the EFF)
https://twitter.com/MbuyiseniNdlozi/status/1635581445174439936 (One of their "educated" spokespeople)
https://twitter.com/Julius_S_Malema/status/1635570079797592067 (The Leader of the EFF)
Cos this is Africa....No one cares what happens here...😏 I do have this feeling that Something underhand is going on...The Aim of the EFF is to Blame Us Whites who 'Stole the land' over 370 years ago for everything(Keeps on stoking Racial fires and Anti-white rhetoric)...If you get a chance look at the leader of the EFF Julias Malema... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Julias+Malema&atb=v314-1&ia=web
Yes...Although not that many get reported in the news(Over 4500 murdered since 1995)... Not Militias,, Fucking coward gangs but farmers aren't that soft targets anymore....Still vulnerable but prepared...We don't shoot to wound...and that message does 'get around'....They know that if they fail and get caught in their attempt to murder Farmers and families, the Police won't be called...Bush Justice.
As we know the world has gone fucking insane at the moment...' End of Times "...