The timelines of capitol police attempting to kick start things also matches up with just prior to when morons to object could be heard. The CP moved suspiciously-thin lines of barricades back and randomly shot tear gas and beat on people with sticks, trying to get a violent response. They finally separated out a few people and knocked out ones teeth, while beating a couple of middle-aged unarmed women to death. When peaceful protestors attempted to hand over agitators to CP for arrest and CP refused, folks should have woken up to the setup right then and there.
I remember video taken on the east side of the building of supporters trying to stop some guy who was breaking windows while others were asking the cops why they weren't doing anything about that guy and just getting stonewalled.
The timelines of capitol police attempting to kick start things also matches up with just prior to when morons to object could be heard. The CP moved suspiciously-thin lines of barricades back and randomly shot tear gas and beat on people with sticks, trying to get a violent response. They finally separated out a few people and knocked out ones teeth, while beating a couple of middle-aged unarmed women to death. When peaceful protestors attempted to hand over agitators to CP for arrest and CP refused, folks should have woken up to the setup right then and there.
I remember video taken on the east side of the building of supporters trying to stop some guy who was breaking windows while others were asking the cops why they weren't doing anything about that guy and just getting stonewalled.