First and foremost, Long was a democrat, like Roosevelt. Unless Long was planning to switch parties, the only way he was "poised to beat Roosevelt" was if the DNC was planning on swapping out FDR for him as the Democrat nominee. FDR ran against Alf Landon in 1936 and beat him handily.
Second, World War II didn't happen until 1939, and the United States didn't enter until 1941. Saying that Long winning the 1936 election against a member of his own party would have prevented the US from entering WWII requires some serious Project Looking Glass levels of foresight.
Also shocker of shocks, the poster of this tweet is saying it would have prevented an alliance with the Judeo Bolsheviks and that a Jew named Carl Weiss assassinated Huey Long. Almost like they have an agenda they're trying to promote?
For the original tweeter and the OP here, at least fact check your shit before promoting blatant antisemitism.
Couple problems with that statement.
First and foremost, Long was a democrat, like Roosevelt. Unless Long was planning to switch parties, the only way he was "poised to beat Roosevelt" was if the DNC was planning on swapping out FDR for him as the Democrat nominee. FDR ran against Alf Landon in 1936 and beat him handily.
Second, World War II didn't happen until 1939, and the United States didn't enter until 1941. Saying that Long winning the 1936 election against a member of his own party would have prevented the US from entering WWII requires some serious Project Looking Glass levels of foresight.
Also shocker of shocks, the poster of this tweet is saying it would have prevented an alliance with the Judeo Bolsheviks and that a Jew named Carl Weiss assassinated Huey Long. Almost like they have an agenda they're trying to promote?
For the original tweeter and the OP here, at least fact check your shit before promoting blatant antisemitism.