The ICC, is just another Western mouth piece another one of these bUllshit 3 letter Agencies,... its a paper Tiger it has no teeth , they can make Recommendations and thats about all,.the only way they can Arrest anyone is they have to " ask " that countries Police and or Millitary to Arrest that person they cant go in there and Arrest him themselves,thats a,.. Do they really think that the Russian Millitary is gonna Arrest Putin,.?? Like Medvedev said throw it in the Loo,.
The ICC, is just another Western mouth piece another one of these bUllshit 3 letter Agencies,... its a paper Tiger it has no teeth , they can make Recommendations and thats about all,.the only way they can Arrest anyone is they have to " ask " that countries Police and or Millitary to Arrest that person they cant go in there and Arrest him themselves,thats a,.. Do they really think that the Russian Millitary is gonna Arrest Putin,.?? Like Medvedev said throw it in the Loo,.