posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +36 / -0


DQSH - Drag Queen Story Hour is a world-wide phenomenon,

where "Drag Queens" AKA "Sex Clowns in Womanface" prance around provocatively in front of children, singing songs with lyrics like

"the hips on the draw queen go swish, swish, swish"

DQSH is obviously being astro-turfed from the top-down.

this is NOT a grass-roots, bottom-up movement.

DQSH seems to be designed to be deliberately provocative to anyone with morals,

in order to incite the kind of "right wing" protests,

that can lead to violent confrontations with Fed-tifa thugs.

PB - Proud Boys are controlled opposition.

PB leadership is all FBI "informants"

So, we have the CIA-Mossad setting up DQSH,

as a psyop,

to provoke a response from "NAZI's"

and when any ordinary "right wing" America Christian Patriot shows up to protest DQSH, they are instantly labeled a NAZI,

and being labeled a NAZI, is reason-enough to justify violence.

"Punch a NAZI!!!"

Isn't it interesting how THEY think THEY get to control the narrative,

THEY think they get to re-define themselves, by re-defining biology

BUT YOU are NOT allowed to even define yourself politically?

like, if they "identify" you as a "nazi",

you are not allowed to not identify as a nazi.

The promotion of dehumanizing language is one of the 10 steps to genocide

Instead of falling for this obvious PsyOp,

and going down to the DQSH and getting into direct confrontations with mobs of LGBT demons,

we start out own story hour.

its called the "Jesus Christ Story Hour" JCSH for short.

Every time you hear anything about DQSH,

you simply reply with, "have you heard about Jesus Christ Story Hour?"

do not be sucked into their debates, and their narratives, their confrontations, their delusions, their violence.

Luke 24:45

And Then Jesus Opened Their Minds, So They Could Understand The Scriptures.

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We are in Weimar Republic 2.0 right now.

If you don't know what the Weimar Republic was, then you need a crash course real quick, because in order to understand how the Nazi's came to power, you must understand the context of the time and place.



First of all, i suspect that Adolph Hitler was the bastard child of a Rothschild, and was moved into position as chancellor of Germany, as a way to take control of Germany, and to destroy Germany

The Weimar Republic happened in Germany, in between the 2 world wars.

it was marked by hyper-inflation,

and heavy war reparations,

so the economy was deliberately destroyed, to make the German populace agitated for change,

and on top of that, there seemed to be deliberate provocation of the German people,

Berlin had become the sex trade capital of the world.

Sensible Germans didn't want sex tourism, but it was one of the only things that brought in "tourist money" to sustain the German economy.

So Germans were forced into sex slavery, in order to survive.

The worlds first sex-change surgeries were done in Berlin,

and when the supposed "nazis" took over,

the first "book burning" they did, was at the sex-change doctors office.

in 2023,

we have run-away inflation,

we have increasing interest rates,

we have DQSH instigating a response.

they are trying to push us to violence,

so then they can respond with violence.

but don't show up to their show.

don't be a January 6th political prisoner.

start thinking longer term.

start planting seeds

plant a garden.

a victory garden

WWJD? = What Would Jesus Do?

OpWWJD = Operation WWJD
