7PM ET | 4PM PT - TRUMP to appear on Pastor's United for Trump - LIVE STREAM INCLUDED
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I still applaud them for doing the absolute right thing. Giving it to The LORD. And they still do.
I apologize if I seem very forward. But lately, that is just how I am doing it.
NEVER apologize for STANDING for God and for righteousness sake. This is what we are commanded to do in the Bible. The entire reason our country is in so much mess is because too many who call themselves Christians would never be found guilty if loving Jesus becomes a crime (which it will when antichrist takes over) Too many caved and apologize for what they should have been standing up for and refused to stand against evil. This is how political correctness and woke garbage took over. What’s that quote again about evil winning when good men do nothing?
Well said sister , we’ll said ! Praise the Lord Jesus from the top of the mountains and down in the valley’s! Praise His name forevermore!
No worries fren. I get ya'. And absolutely they did the right thing and the intent was righteous and important during these times. While the execution wasn't perfect, the intent hit a bullseye