"Tranny women" is an oxymoron, like Jumbo Shrimp. There is no such thing, except verbally. And that is a lie. So, no such thing. There are tranny men, i.e., men who dress like women, but in the end, they are just men. Stupid ones, yes. Ugly ones, yes. Men who can never get the hair right, yes. Men who look like complete fools. a category of MEN. They will always and forever be men.
"Tranny women" is an oxymoron, like Jumbo Shrimp. There is no such thing, except verbally. And that is a lie. So, no such thing. There are tranny men, i.e., men who dress like women, but in the end, they are just men. Stupid ones, yes. Ugly ones, yes. Men who can never get the hair right, yes. Men who look like complete fools. a category of MEN. They will always and forever be men.