posted ago by MarkusCincinnatus ago by MarkusCincinnatus +13 / -0

I think rightists and normies who wanted to get in these fields mostly just wanted to do good work for its own sake, without a political ax to grind. Playing it straight in these roles might seem boring or ineffectual, so rightists often instead choose STEM, business, the trades, etc. Perhaps one reason is that rightists have underestimated the effectiveness of playing the roles the crooked way..

I can remember when I was in school and I would roll my eyes in disagreement with some statement from a leftie teacher and think to myself “this crap is really unconvincing”. I projected my skepticism onto others, and figured the other kids were just pretending to go along with the leftism to get good grades. I thought of the teacher as being a sell out, handpicked by the Board of Ed for his willingness to propagandize kids. I thought the teacher was a loser for spouting unconvincing crap, so I didn’t want to become a teacher myself. I extended that line of thinking to almost all of those left-dominated career possibilities; that they are undesirable because they are ineffective at convincing people.

It wasn’t until after we graduated from different colleges that I realized that some of my old public school classmates weren’t snapping out of the leftism. Turns out that back then they weren’t just pretending in order to get grades. They really were convinced by the leftist crap. They chose some of the fields in this post title because they weren’t as skeptical as I was about how persuasive those fields could be, because they were persuaded themselves.

The crooked institutions didn’t influence the people who are naturally critical thinkers, so those people didn’t bother to infiltrate the crooked institutions. We just figured if they’re not defundable, they’re ignorable. That was a mistake. We should’ve recognized the danger to other people instead of projecting ourselves: