Weird timing for this sticky. Recently uncovered the following clip of Al Franken "roasting" Reiner. Wanted to find a better clip and make it its own post but haven't had time. 🍿
Oh my God. No wonder he so messed up and overweight. And I never liked Al Franken, and this reminds me why. How could Al think this would be funny for Rob? It's abhorrent. It literally gives me the shivers.
First I ever heard of Al Franken, I read the book Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot, and I was honestly weirded out the whole book. The only argument he had was that Rush was a bigger guy. But other than that, I couldn't help but agree with Rush Limbaugh, and I was 11 when I read it. Al Franken not only is one of Them, but he had the maturity of a half grown peanut shit out of Obama's asshole. Also RIP Rush, you are still awesome, even if you're not on Earth anymore.
They LOVE their Roast specials above all else. They truly get off on them. It is the time where they get up there and tell the truth and the crowd laughs and claps thinking it is just more "jokes."
Weird timing for this sticky. Recently uncovered the following clip of Al Franken "roasting" Reiner. Wanted to find a better clip and make it its own post but haven't had time. 🍿
These people are truly sick.
Reminds me of when Bob Saget got roasted by Gilbert Gottfried.
Oh my God. No wonder he so messed up and overweight. And I never liked Al Franken, and this reminds me why. How could Al think this would be funny for Rob? It's abhorrent. It literally gives me the shivers.
First I ever heard of Al Franken, I read the book Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot, and I was honestly weirded out the whole book. The only argument he had was that Rush was a bigger guy. But other than that, I couldn't help but agree with Rush Limbaugh, and I was 11 when I read it. Al Franken not only is one of Them, but he had the maturity of a half grown peanut shit out of Obama's asshole. Also RIP Rush, you are still awesome, even if you're not on Earth anymore.
It's not funny, it's a shout-out.
That was pretty awful. But reminds me that I hope to see Al Franken get his comeuppance.
They LOVE their Roast specials above all else. They truly get off on them. It is the time where they get up there and tell the truth and the crowd laughs and claps thinking it is just more "jokes."