👀 EYES ON FRANCE 🇫🇷- The sum of all fears for globalist technocrats is happening RIGHT NOW in France.
The French firefighters and riot police have now JOINED the protesters to stand against tyrant World Economic Forum muppet Emanuel Macron.
Globalists on life support.
CANADA 🇨🇦 needs todo the same to their muppet!
He's gone by summer
Perhaps. But replaced by who? Which viable leader will be on the side of the citizenship?
Canada has a long way to go before our mess is cleaned up.
Dunno by who yet. Mr P.P. seems fairly decent. But I keep getting wef vibes from him. The people's party of Canada. A new party with patriot 'esk platform feels like a controlled opposition. He's against the milk mafia/monopoly we have in Canada. But yet his riding is all milk farmers! Lol so. Dunno. We kinda screwed
Easy way to know if someone isn't in their club is how the media treats them.. The media here doesn't seem too critical of P.P, which is what concerns me, he's also had history with the WEF, so as far as I'm concerned he's the otherside of the same coin. However, I would love to be proven wrong...
Exactly! We live in age where the current leader of a country is the worst in history - until their successor takes office - and then the successor becomes the worst in the country's history and so on and so on.
Head on a pike on the way to parliament I hope...