It was my first time with this particular doctor, and we went over all sorts of stuff. The subject of covid vaccination came up. I said no, I didn't receive any vaccination for it. She said I don't pass judgement and we moved on. Then she asked about the last tetanus shot I received, and since it was 10 years ago, said she'd recommend getting that. She said "the one I have here also has whooping cough, but don't worry, it doesn't have any microchips in it" and winked. I found it funny, but I'm happy she didn't try to push the covid vaxx on me. I didn't get the tetanus shot but I might, if it's just the TTD and not the whooping cough combo too. Btw, every single person in the entire building was masked but me. Signs posted everywhere, you must wear a mask etc, but I didn't wear one at all and nobody said anything about it. This was my first experience at a doctors office since maybe 2020.
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I'm shocked everyone was masked up. Curious what state/province you're in if you're interested in sharing. I'm in AZ USA and I maybe see 1 person wearing a mask once a week. Typically at a grocery store. Masks have been all but eliminated here for a good 6 months
Delaware. It's amazing how many masks you still see around here. Fuckin Biden voters.
Interesting. I travel to Illinois a lot for work, and have family there. That's a F'd up state too, but on my last visit (October) I didn't see many masks anywhere, not even the airport. I assumed masks were a thing of the past but apparently not. Good on you for not wearing one and declining the jab. I've said it on other posts but for me and my 11yo son, I'm refusing all future vaxxes. They may say its tetanus or whatever but I've just lost all trust and faith in the medical community and I have no idea what might be in that thing.
I don't know about inside Chicago itself but in the suburbs the muzzle monkeys are a minority, even in the more liberal towns I go into a store and see like 1 out of 10 at most remaining committed to the stupidity.
The patterns I see are:
LOL. Love it!
Yeah, my Chicago visits are rarely city center. Typically NW and W suburbs (thats where work and family are). My last visit (October), flew into O'Hare and was expecting the worst in terms of those "muzzle monkeys" you described but was pleasantly surprised when I saw so few at the airport. And very, very few once in the burbs. And that's IL, so I was shocked the poster said Delaware was still full of them. Everywhere I've been stateside the past 6-8 months has been pretty "muzzle monkey"-free. (Thx to your brilliant introduction of this term, I'm gonna be using it early and often my fren)
Yep, the bastions of applied medical science bamboozled by Birx's srand of spagheti just about to falll off the wall 3 years in.. 😒