It was my first time with this particular doctor, and we went over all sorts of stuff. The subject of covid vaccination came up. I said no, I didn't receive any vaccination for it. She said I don't pass judgement and we moved on. Then she asked about the last tetanus shot I received, and since it was 10 years ago, said she'd recommend getting that. She said "the one I have here also has whooping cough, but don't worry, it doesn't have any microchips in it" and winked. I found it funny, but I'm happy she didn't try to push the covid vaxx on me. I didn't get the tetanus shot but I might, if it's just the TTD and not the whooping cough combo too. Btw, every single person in the entire building was masked but me. Signs posted everywhere, you must wear a mask etc, but I didn't wear one at all and nobody said anything about it. This was my first experience at a doctors office since maybe 2020.
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Golden root powder is a terrific antiseptic for wounds as it also binds the flesh pretty quickly-have had several experiences with it..
Not a criticism! Goldenroot is one word. It took me a minute to know what you were talking about. My youngest used to get plugged up eustachian tubes and the MD wanted to put tubes in his ears.....NO thank you.....took him to the naturopath and he put goldenroot on his glove and reach down his throat and massages the tubes....presto....I do the same for many years for my ears.