In conclusion, as this graphic of the Great Financial Crisis shows (zoom in), a banking/ financial crisis can take a number of months to play out, though I think the next one will happen much faster due to significantly greater debt/leverage, moral hazard, complexity, stock valuations (in the U.S.), social contagion, high frequency trading, speed of capital, mistrust of government and institutions, clueless policymakers, rampant inflation, a currency that is increasingly eschewed around the world (the U.S. dollar), a dysfunctional labor market, an (artificial) energy shortage, a failing supply chain, and war (including trade wars). Just like before a major earthquake, there are warning signs. The collapse of First Republic Bank is just a tremor, a warning sign of something much larger to come. Get prepared now.
You may lose the paper gold and silver. Always best to hold assets in your own possession.
sure, but op wanted some way to move things without possibly incurring a penalty for doing so.