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"In my view Russia could have conquered all of Ukraine quickly at the start of the conflict."
Absolutely he could have. But by design, I truly believe his initial purpose was to secure the lands of Russian speaking Ukrainians fron the genocide slaughter of Ukranian Nazis. He did this by destroying ukranian Armies and more importantly he was surgically taking out the Obama initiated Chem-Bio Labs scattered throughout the Ukranian countryside north of Kiev thru Executive Order 13546 Optimizing the Security of Biological Select Agents and Toxins in the United States
• Signed: July 2, 2010
• Federal Register page and date: 75 FR 39439, July 8, 2010
Not only was he targeting the Labs, but he was also targeting the Money laundering hubs (Ukrain #1 world money washer), disrupting the human, sex and organ trafficking operations and even the very evil Adrenochrome facilities.
I concur with your assessment of depleting the DS assets. Notice how he is taking his time. Wagner PMC is putting great pressure on Bakhmut. When Bakhmut falls, the Ukranian military is toast. No chance of stopping the assault when Putin moves... very soon.