This movie was released in the Spring of 2016, IMO this monumental work of art is a timeless, and priceless recording of the research, personal viewpoints, and historical lessons from our nation's leadership and role models. I do not own the rights to this movie, just the desire to share under fair use. No monetization whatsoever.
The links to the movie are to my personal Rumble Page. I have broken the movie into 2 parts. Part 2 begins with an informative first-hand viewpoint of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Also included here is the movie script (see the third link below)
The producer's website for this movie no longer works, however, it was:
These treaties with the UN display the globalist agenda. I use these documents to redpill normies who didn't understand that the uniparty is giving away our county's sovereignty, our safety, our stability, our wealth, and our Constitutional rights.