15 years after ESA listing as ‘threatened’ due to sea ice loss polar bears are abundant & thriving
There is no existential emergency for polar bears or any other Arctic sea mammals due to declining summer sea ice, despite continued messages of doom from remorseless experts.
There are 30k Polar Bears in the Arctic. 100 years ago there was around 3000. There are so many ploar bears that Churchill Manitoba can no longer allow outdoor trick-or-treating. To live there in the fall you better carry a sidearm. The videos showing polar bears wandering far from the sea ice isnt because of that disappearing ice but because the bears need to find their own territories.
We have that problem in Michigan a bit. Every fall there are bears spotted wandering here in the southern portions of the State where there should be no bears. These are young males looking for their own territory. They are trapped and released up north.
Lots of ice this spring here off the east coast of Newfoundland. Looks like a bumper year too for the polar bears favorite snack, the harp seal.