This is the Gematria configuration for the number of people supposedly gone This is the Gematria for 370....interesting....
Was watching the Netflix documentary on this, and my theory is, how much did Netflix pay their actors to make this look convincing?
Is it possible that we will find the "victims" of the plane disappearance in other crises, like crisis actors? Ukraine possibly? Age all of them by 9 years, and work from there, to re-locate these people? Anons found the Sandy Hook kids at the Super Bowl in 2012, and Gabby Petito is one of the kids.
Is it possible that this is a Truman show level lie, like Sandy Hook?
Is it possible that this is another case of insurance fraud, like the Titanic and Olympia swap? Would love to hear if this is all possible.
Also MH 17 shot down with a SAM, probably an SA 11, over Ukraine. Putin was blamed for it. It was obvious the Ukrainians shot down the aircraft.
It makes you wonder why they are using Malaysian aircraft for these events.
Malaysians dared to convict Tony Blair in absentia for war crimes.
That could be it.
Very interesting, I'll see if I can find more information. Thanks fren.
Create a diversion, like all these things happening now