It depends on what portion of the life of Mohammed you are focusing your understanding of Islam on. He is the perfect example and yet he was a pedophile slave trading sex trafficking highwayman who believed black slaves were worth less than others, at one point he was very spiritual and that’s where people point and say look this is Islam but leave the slave trading racist global jihadist caliphate pedophile superiority out of it. Most people just go along with the rest of culture and the masses and don't ask questions. The masons point to bbqs and fundraisers to say look that’s what we’re all about.
Gang rape and sex trafficking of young women and children is currently taking place at an unprecedented rate in the uk and Europe. The common denominator in that equation in those areas is the flood of Islamic men. They literally created no go zones all over Europe because of the violence and rape towards anyone not Muslim within these free housing migrant communities in Europe.
Sharia law and how to address its imposition over those areas they conquer within foreign lands is another problem and debate that should be addressed as well when contemplating islams compatibility with other cultures.
Just acknowledging the elephant in the room concerning the reality of historic events and facts concerning Islam, Muslims and sharia law.
If the constitution doesn’t supersede their cultural norms and imposed laws then allowing them to take over neighborhoods may not be in our best interest.
Does a moslem denounce Muhammad or just say I only believe in some of what he did? For a culture that will kill you if you leave, telling outsiders the latter may be, in their view, their best option.
The point I think is the religious part of it. Yes their religion is wrong, but the people who are drawn to “be religious” are of kinship. These are usually thoughtful, caring people. Problem with Islam is they are often controlled by violent leaders. Not dissimilar to Christian’s in America who go to other countries due to lies and then slaughter people
I agree with you on the point being most humans believe in respect, human decency and compassion and are just being manipulated, but the foundations between Christianity and Islam must be clarified because the difference is everything.
The life of Christ is the example, men twist that and manipulate it into war and inquisition. The life of Mohammed is their example and it speaks for itself. He was a pedophile warlord.
No argument from me. Muhammad is no different than Biden or any of our elected leaders if you come to think of it. And these are who we have represent us and what we’re supposed to be patriotic for.
I spent time in Saudi when I was younger. Traditional muslims tend to be very respectful of others' religious traditions, if they are believers.
They have no time for people who claim to belong to a religion and believe in God yet do not act according to their scriptures.
Western muslims are totally corrupt in comparison, just like most so called Christians and Jews.
That doesn't mean I agree with everything in the Qoran, but I've read some of it at least. Didn't strike me as a hateful religion - that's on men.
Gang rape and sex trafficking of young women and children is currently taking place at an unprecedented rate in the uk and Europe. The common denominator in that equation in those areas is the flood of Islamic men. They literally created no go zones all over Europe because of the violence and rape towards anyone not Muslim within these free housing migrant communities in Europe.
Sharia law and how to address its imposition over those areas they conquer within foreign lands is another problem and debate that should be addressed as well when contemplating islams compatibility with other cultures.
Just acknowledging the elephant in the room concerning the reality of historic events and facts concerning Islam, Muslims and sharia law.
If the constitution doesn’t supersede their cultural norms and imposed laws then allowing them to take over neighborhoods may not be in our best interest.
Does a moslem denounce Muhammad or just say I only believe in some of what he did? For a culture that will kill you if you leave, telling outsiders the latter may be, in their view, their best option.
The point I think is the religious part of it. Yes their religion is wrong, but the people who are drawn to “be religious” are of kinship. These are usually thoughtful, caring people. Problem with Islam is they are often controlled by violent leaders. Not dissimilar to Christian’s in America who go to other countries due to lies and then slaughter people
I agree with you on the point being most humans believe in respect, human decency and compassion and are just being manipulated, but the foundations between Christianity and Islam must be clarified because the difference is everything.
The life of Christ is the example, men twist that and manipulate it into war and inquisition. The life of Mohammed is their example and it speaks for itself. He was a pedophile warlord.
No argument from me. Muhammad is no different than Biden or any of our elected leaders if you come to think of it. And these are who we have represent us and what we’re supposed to be patriotic for.
Take that as you may