tl;dr Just wondering if anyone knows about possible ways to clear vax clots.
Unfortunately starting about 3 weeks ago I started to feel some chest pain whenever I went upstairs or did anything too intensely. I've been down this road before and the Pauling Therapy (L-Lysine + vitamin C, 6000mg each per day) has helped like it did a few years ago. I started to have milder and milder chest pain to chest pressure no matter what I did (I wasn't testing the limits either, just happens to be what I needed to do at the time).
However, my sister revealed to me that lately she's been feeling like someone's sitting on her chest at times and tonight when I had another unexpected bit of chest pain from going up the stairs twice (so more than usual, but not more than what I was able to do the past few days without any pain or pressure) it got me thinking about what if I'm getting vax clots from shedding.
I'm not vaxxed, and none of my family are, but unfortunately my sister is still very sick and is in and out of hospital for cancer treatments all the time. I've been with her to the hospital, though the chaffeur of choice is our Mom whose handling most/all of the hospital stuff. My sisters doctors are aware of her complaints, but an echocardiogram didn't find anything and they want to check with a heart MRI but her insurance is slow-walking that for another 3 weeks or so :/
I pray for my sister's health (and definitely definitely appreciate any prayers from you guys!), I'm just worried it might possibly be vax clots. What can we take to get rid of those? They looked rubbery and very hard to destroy to me in the autopsies. We're both taking 1000mg of NAC per day with a slice of pineapple (let me know if way more bromein is needed).
I've been to a doctor about my heart before, and it wasn't much help. A quick diagnosis that I'd have to be on statins (no thank you) or vegetarian for the rest of my life and I was then willing to try the above Pauling therapy. I think if I see them again I'd get another $2000 (out of my pocket) echocardiogram and more of what they already told me. We are 37 and 36 so it's close to old enough to start experiencing heart problems, but it's still questionable.
I understand that whatever is replied is not officially medical advice and I take my own chances with anything suggested that I then decide to act upon.
Thank you!
Thanks all for your replies! Replying to each one would get kinda spammy and I want to avoid that.
I just got Nattokinase and Black Cumin Seed oil last night and already feel better. I’m not sure if my sister can do that though as I’ll need to check when she might have surgery again.
We’ve been doing a regimen of Artimisan, hydroxychloroquin, ivermectin, theracumin, NAC, and fenbendazole three times a week for several months now with no sharp recovery from cancer forthcoming. One of the issues being that after a few months of this she wanted to cut back on the fenben specifically as that apparently made her feel awful. I asked her in what way but she couldn’t describe it other than grody :(
I’m trying to get her to take daily Apple Cider Vinegar, though even dilluted it’s too repulsive to her so we’re trying things.
Thanks everyone!
Glad you are feeling better...those are two of the best things you can take.
I am a little confused about everything your sister is taking...especially that there is no change in her cancer. You say the FBZ is making her sick but have you considered that she felt awful because of a herxheimer reaction, which is basically too much die off at once. One thing to consider about FBZ is that you only absorb about 10% which is why you want to eat a fatty meal to slow down the digestive motility, resulting in increased absorption. The original dose was 222mg. but I have seen higher amounts that people were taking. Also, the old protocol was 3 days on and 4 days off. The new protocol is 7 days on, but it is recommended to take one day off to rest the kidneys. I mean the Joe Tippens protocol is basically FBZ, Curcumin and CBD oil...which is really pretty basic...I have not heard anyone say that did not is curious...they have added a few things, but basically these are the main things... Also, on the NAC...make sure that is on an empty stomach...a half hour before eating anything in the morning or 2 hours after eating before bedtime...
Hey, if you have 16-20 oz. of water and add 1 or more tsp. of ACV you cannot even tell it is there. Never take it full strength. Make sure she drinks plenty of water to make sure as she detoxes she is moving everything out.
It seems to me you are taking multiples of very strong things that probably do the same Artimisan and FBZ and IVM. Why is she taking hydroxychloroquin? Perhaps it is just too much of similar items that is making her feel bad. I applaud that you guys are trying different things. For myself I went with one protocol and will determine its' effectiveness at some point to either continue or try a different protocol. God bless you both as you try to navigate healing...