Before this post went up there were hundreds of different questions like this all over twitter and telegram. A huge amount of people were speculating on the baseball cap and pants as well.
If someone can have an I GOTCHA! moment with something silly like this, they feel special, like they broke the system and uncovered something huge. But, there's no gotcha here, people just want to see something different because then this makes it a false event they can feel superior over and feel more control in their day to day lives when something they don't like is happening. The reality is that this is just a sick individual shooting at people.
People are so eager to have a gotcha moment they will look past reality.
Before this post went up there were hundreds of different questions like this all over twitter and telegram. A huge amount of people were speculating on the baseball cap and pants as well.
Seriously, what would be the point? It doesn’t change any info that the trans was a trans who killed people.
If someone can have an I GOTCHA! moment with something silly like this, they feel special, like they broke the system and uncovered something huge. But, there's no gotcha here, people just want to see something different because then this makes it a false event they can feel superior over and feel more control in their day to day lives when something they don't like is happening. The reality is that this is just a sick individual shooting at people.