granted, this could have been about the israeli/palestinian conflict or war in general, but it's something to think about certainly...
I get there are multiple ways to interpret the song, and you could make the argument that this was pushing a more globalistic message, but it also applies to a Nation, like, say...a set of American States, United under the same Constitution (speaking of ham-handed...😅).
I dunno, it's easy to see those we're at odds with as enemies, but they're also Americans, for all that they've been led astray. I guess my ultimate point is keep that in mind as best you can...
it's the "we are one" song from the front of lion king 2 and the reference back to it during the climax of the film.
but yeah, if I was self-promoting, i'd link to my bitchute or minds, lol.
no point in doing that on fucking youtube these days.