I can do that for humans, but I'm not gonna lie about a dog. Besides hubby is very pro jab in general, has zero understanding of how bad they actually are, even though we have 4 Vax injured kids. His dad was a small animal vet, so very pro jab. His dad even had the full rabies series himself due to an "exposure", his dad took every jab offered, and died last year of dementia
I guess same thing you do when state requires vaccines for humans, scribble some stuff on some papers.
I can do that for humans, but I'm not gonna lie about a dog. Besides hubby is very pro jab in general, has zero understanding of how bad they actually are, even though we have 4 Vax injured kids. His dad was a small animal vet, so very pro jab. His dad even had the full rabies series himself due to an "exposure", his dad took every jab offered, and died last year of dementia
I am so sorry.