Maybe this has already been mentioned, but just reading about how two women killed in Nashville were close family friends of Bill Lee, the governor of Tennessee. It reminded me of the Uvalde shooter, and what his grandmother, mother, or whoever that was saying “he did what he had to do”….I mean what kind of statement is that. And now with this Nashville shooter, basically, having to die that day. Was someone targeted? Was this a “or else” situation for the shooters? I mean why do people who want to kill themselves just have to target a school. We can say for selfish reasons, cowardly or whatnot…or is it deeper. Are they told to do something. Are there loved ones targeted by cartel? Nashville shooter msg’d her friend saying how much she loved her in her final text. And nothing else would stop her at that point from the mission.
It was just on my mind seeing this new info about the governor.
Please tell us what the new info related to the governor is. I haven't heard it. Thanks.
Was his wife’s best friend.
Thank you. I hadn't heard that.