I read and participate in "TheDonald.win" and here at "GreatAwakening.win". I have been told that "The Donald" is the more main-stream conservative forum and that "Great Awakening" is the lunatic "Q" supporting fringe of the republican party.
But my problem is that this group, "Great Awakening", seems to be more grounded in reality and "The Donald" seems to have more crazies who have lost their grip on reality. Am I reading this wrong, am I becoming too conservative?
I think the peeps at Patriots are still about two years behind, mainly because every time the topic of Money comes up, I usually end up having to tell them that the Paper Money is not Our American Money, and then have to point out that the Fed res is a Privately owned Banking Corporation, and that most of the Owners are Foreigners, like Warburg, Rothschilds, and are also mixed in with a few American families like Du Ponts, Reynolds, and Rockefellers....
Some get it, many don't, and nearly none understand that American Money isn't called a ""Dollar"", the dollar is like the Ounce, Pound, Gram Grain, etc., it is a Weight measurement....
And it really blows peoples minds when they realize that our Money is the Eagle, Double Eagle, Quarter, Disme, yes diSme, etc., so as it turns out, if they take the fed Res Debt Notes out of circulation, we still have our Valid Coinage, it may not be in Gold and Silver like it's supposed to be, but it is OURS, and they cannot take that away....
The last part of your comment sheds a new light on the coin shortage during the early parts of the lockdowns.
Thinks that make you go "hmmmm..."
I have a few friends across the states who were testing out a theory, and instead of using Paper Currency, to get Paid, and they used Coin to pay their bills....
They made sure that every time they paid, the Receipt clearly stated that they had paid in Coin....
Come Tax time, They made sure to arrange a meeting between the IRS and their CPAs, and showed that Coin, being Constitutional Money, and not created by the Federal Reserve Banking Corporation, was not hence, taxable by the IRS....
The IRS threw a fit with each one, but they dropped all proceedings, didn't even bother to begin ""Auditing"" on any of them....
I know it's one hell of a lot of paperwork, and really annoying to keep track of each receipt, and then having to make sure that their Pay was in coin was another headache, but they all made it through and weren't taxed for those years....
That is impressive!!
es it is, and I'd have them come here and make posts about it, but FB permabanned my main account, and keeps asking for a Phone number for this second....
Are you also a fellow coin collector?
Yes, absolutely, and always on the lookout for old Silver Coins, but where I live, so is everyone else....
I might begin to ""buy"" the bulk coins and see about separating flawed and Silver from the rest, just to see IF it is worth the effort....
It's not, I started scrap silver/ coin collection the same way. Probably averaged 1 silver quarter per roll for a while, around 2010 however that changed, dramatically. Even nickle and dimes became harder to find.
Also most banks started to charge fees for rolls in bulk
Good to know....
That at least leaves me with some other options, not that I like hanging out in Pawn Shops, but oh well.....