DEEP BREATHS ANONS! We knew this move was coming. The White Hats have been planning for this happening for some time. They set the ultimate trap, and the rabid Democrats took the bait hook, line, and sinker! A precedent was set today. The Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and Bidens are next! PANIC IN DC!
πππππ ππ ππ!

We are traveling the path of least collateral damage. The future proves past in this case. The arrest of President Trump initiates an important shift in the narrative wherein it is now common place to investigate, indict, and arrest former Presidents.
Had Clinton or Bush been arrested, the normies would have still been under the C.I.A. brainwashing programming and would have undoubtedly fed the Civil War narrative that the Cabal so desperately want. They will all be arrested in time, but the narrative must be put in place before such happenings can commence.
It cannot be understated just how important narrative control is in this situation. The narrative is the battlefield of this 5th Generation War.
You donβt think arresting Bush would be an extremely strong way to gain βnarrative control?β
Thatβs why arresting them and exposing their crimes might be a good way to broadcast how bad they are.
The MSM would paint such a move as an illegitimate persecution of Bush/Obama/Clinton/Biden by Trump in order to hide his own crimes, and most normies would believe the bullshit.
Most conservative normies still idolize Sr AND (very oddly because he was clearly just a dumb puppet) Jr. Liberals hated him when he was in power but since he has disapproved of trump they like him now.
He's been out of the picture for too long. Not fresh in people's minds. Also, being part of the cabal, he'd get the royal treatment, so ultimately it would have no effect. By Trump going first, he gets to pave the path forward. They will pull every dirty legal trick they possibly can but will fail at getting a conviction because they have no real evidence. Then when it's the cabal's turn they won't have a leg to stand on.