DEEP BREATHS ANONS! We knew this move was coming. The White Hats have been planning for this happening for some time. They set the ultimate trap, and the rabid Democrats took the bait hook, line, and sinker! A precedent was set today. The Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and Bidens are next! PANIC IN DC!

I think the idea all along was to get our opponents to set the precedent, so then they have no teeth when they cry foul.
This is a crazy game to play, but if this indictment has anything to do with the Stormy payment (or the other one, the Playboy model), it's one that has no legal grounds. Easy to get rid of it while setting the precedent.
In a similar vein, they've already set the precedent (using Bannon) about removing Exec Priv when out of office. They don't realize how screwed they are.
It just seems weak and passive that that you need to conjure up this "precedent" before you do what's right and call these people out for who they are and what they've done. You'll always have to present evidence to make your case, and the a lot of people will never accept the truth no matter what you present. And they'll still "cry foul" when you come for the Clintons. So doesn't this seem like a waste of time, of resources, for absolutely no gain?
Bigger minds than us are at work here. Literally decades of work. Of course we won't understand EVERYTHING. But, we have cone far with Q. At least we have that much understanding
This will turn out like everything else, looking back on it's genius. BUT right now in the fog of war it makes little sense, do Military Tribunals need "precedents set" for them? Sedition is Sedition and Treason is Treason, right. There is a part of anon that wants vengeance on normie/libs who doubted and fucked around for years, I want them gobsmacked. But I gotta tame myself here.
Don't get me wrong - There's some part of me that agrees with you that it seems stupid to put anyone at this much risk (let alone Trump, the only person that seems to be for the people).
That's why I was hoping that they wouldn't do it this way.
But if you read the comms that we were given and believe in them, then we just have to trust that he really isn't in any danger and this is how things are supposed to go.
My thoughts about setting precedent stem from the fact that this all needs to be legal. What better way to break the unwritten rule of not-indicting-former-officials than making your enemy froth at the mouth until they do it themselves.
If our guys went after the Clintons directly, they would just escape (or suicide) and become martyrs. It wouldn't matter what evidence there is because no one would pay attention to it.
We all know there's nothing here against Trump and when it blows up in their faces, hopefully that will be the last straw for most of the cult followers and they'll turn on their leaders.