randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this point,I wonder if Dems will increase their hysteria to a point that they start calling out that he's Q or something. Wouldn't that be legendary?

"Guys, you have to stop him! He's Q and it's all real!"

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0



Space capsule.

Now satellites.

Is there nothing that Boeing fucks up?

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is more than likely a one-time pad, so we're not going to break it.

It's probably relating to something happening overseas. Things are on the move.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Almost like... tax.. is ... theft?

And let me tell ya, coming from Canuckland, this "climate change" tax is a real back breaker. It's a tax-on-tax, which is illegal, I'm pretty sure...

randomnumbers 10 points ago +10 / -0

I hope you're right!

I've always seen him as someone that's for the people so it's great that some other folks get to see that now too!

randomnumbers 15 points ago +15 / -0

Truely the bravest of the brave.

He's out there every day, proving the national anthem to be true.

I didn't think he could top crossing the Korean DMZ, but this guy just won't quit!

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hm, how interesting. I was just reading about Eusebius of Caesarea the other day, and his Ecclesiastical History

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, it is concerning. They do say they store the paper record to be able to do audits, but we'll just see what happens.

Either way, big, big picture, nothing can stop what's coming. They can cheat all the elections they want, they can commit all the monitary fraud they want -- but their big plan is going to fail.

Where we're going, we won't need money so literally their life's work will be meaningless.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stevia is an extract from a plant, so it's definitely better than things like aspartame.

However, what would be better is to cut out sugar where possible. Sugar is the food that cancers need, so if you store a lot of it and get cancer, you'll have a bad time.

Easiest thing for me to cut out was sugar in coffee. If you also use milk, just using heavy whipping cream. There's close to no sugar.

Definitely stop drinking pops/sodas.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just to clarify:

The song in the OP is "Grand Deception", released in 2009.

The song "Hidden Agenda" is similar but released in 2012.

It is highly fascinating that this artist was on the right track back then.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, considering she is the second one to break tradition, they were not very pleased with her.

If she really believed the "God save America" line, she would be there.

But the ugly communist obviously doesn't really believe. Or care.

randomnumbers 6 points ago +7 / -1


When I originally told my wife about this stuff (esp around celebrities), I told her, "Hey, we could be wrong. I really wish we were"

Then the stuff starting coming out about them...

randomnumbers 23 points ago +23 / -0

BIG thanks to you for finding this video!

Stated in the video, these are from 1983, which is 3 years after Georgia.

And he shows the English text which confirms it is the same as the Georgia ones.

So the question is - was it the same group from the US that put these up or was there someone above them?

randomnumbers 9 points ago +9 / -0


There are more of these!!?!?!!

randomnumbers 15 points ago +15 / -0

Thanks for sharing!

I believe your story but then it makes me think they are being selective about which areas they are helping.

I've heard Asheville is more Dem territory, so it makes sense they are there.

This is why they hate that they cannot control the internet - we have folks on the ground with cameras, showing us what's going on.

randomnumbers 9 points ago +9 / -0

Racist pricks like this interviewer really piss me off.

"Oh, all the illegals are working important jobs, what happens after you deport them?"

Moron, the reason they get hired is because they get paid under the table. If you remove the illegals, then those companies hiring them will be forced to hire citizens and pay them correctly, and stop defrauding the country.

They are so intellectually dishonest.

randomnumbers 17 points ago +17 / -0

A Youtuber I watch (Bikes and Beards, from Tennessee) has been doing missions into NC to help out. Here's his latest video.

What he's hearing from the locals is they expect the Feds are not coming, so any help you can give them is appreciated. He goes into details near the end of the video.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha, that's the joke up here when you want to go to the US without having a passport.

"Oh, just fly to Mexico and walk across the border. They let everyone else do it"

Love you too! Godspeed!

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to sit and watch Celebrity Apprentice with my late mother. It was fun to watch and laugh at washed up celebs fail and get fired.

But it was also useful to learn more about who Trump was because everyone always referred to him as being successful; someone you wanted to be like. I know with TV that people are acting but some of his true character was there.

It's the reason why in 2016, I said to my friends that I wanted Trump to win the election. Unfortunately, I'm not able to vote (Canada) but I knew he would be unlike any other POTUS that I'd seen, in that he actually cares for his own people. I just want the wars to stop and he's the only person willing to do it.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed, that is likely.

And the death cult members derive pleasure from your negative response to their bullshit.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

At the very least, he was born in Hawaii when they were not a state making him a citizen of the islands, not the USA.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, my first thought. Friendly territory.

Also, isn't it interesting that Trump has to walk around with armour plates, so they call him fat orange cheeto (or whatever), but their leaders don't and they still claim to be victims?


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