randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, been wrestling with this myself.

Based on the information provided to us back then, it does seem they knew Our Opposition would try to take out the front man.

But there are many things that could go wrong with setting this up. Someone really died. If the "good guys" set this up and are found out, they will have become the bad guys.

Or they just let it happen, which is not great either, if I'm being honest.

Ultimate best case scenario: They really do have some way to look into the future timeline and told us that everything will be gravy.

I don't really believe that though.

randomnumbers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oddly enough, I was just thinking about this the other day.

It may have been discussed before but really, we just don't know until it happens.

For me, it was an information sharing mission - if everything is correct and true, the things discussed will just be implemented without anything else needed.

Although I do recall that they owe us another Q&A.

If we're lucky, they might even do a reveal afterwards. I definitely would buy a book that explains everything!

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, that's what I think. They seem to have many sleepers that are being controlled by psych drugs.

They picked Pennsylvania because it's one of (if not the most) corrupt states and they activated the patsy that they had in the area.

Simple as.

randomnumbers 23 points ago +23 / -0

He gets my vote for President of Earth. What a fuckin badass.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, fix the problem they created with something else they've created.

Wait, I've seen this movie before.

You can trust McCullough

I don't.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

So that's the trick of it, really -- We suspect from batch data that there were specified times for companies to test their formula.

That means that some of the batches could have been saline.

I seflishly really hope that's the case. I don't want to lose the people dear to me.

A few vials were tested and found to be saline, and some nurses were caught injecting it as well.

But we really don't have conclusive evidence. We need people with access to the batch information to give us the records.

randomnumbers 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes, I'm afraid that this is what's going on, folks. From all available information, anyone who took the experimental shots were given 5 years to get their affairs in order.

It's going to be messy.

randomnumbers 13 points ago +13 / -0

The problem is - the supposed tests were fake too. They detected it fruit and vegetables, ffs.

No one has any clue who died "from" or "with" or any other variation. Or even if there was something called "covid 19".

Oh but don't worry, the flu mysteriously disappeared that first year we locked down.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0


Uhh, keystone??


"At the time that star blew up, 3,000 years ago, the Bronze Age was ending," Cooke said. "You had the rise of the kingdom of David in Palestine. You had all this stuff going on, but that's how far back in time that explosion occurred — 3,000 years."

Definitely some connections here.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right, or field offices.

The concern is that this is the HQ. Think of all the files that are in there...

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alphabet mafia.

The acronym is always in a state of flux because they are retarded and don't know who they are.

Also note that they are adding "B" to "EDI" for 'belonging', because they must be upset we were rearranging it to DIE.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +3 / -1

We are having these protests up here in Canada, as well, for some fucking reason.

I can confirm through my sources that these are all being organized by a central group.

Local university agreed with their original demands (something about sharing information regarding funding) and then asked them to follow the steps to legally be a protest (probably get a permit?).

The commies refused that and changed their demands to wanting to know who Da Jews are, because, you know, they are actually anti-semitic.

Fucking LOL

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm watching a lot of lawyer streamers right now (because these cases are being used to expose the legal system and where it needs to be fixed).

One of the viewers pointed out a law from somewhere that the USSS can take over the facility completely. There's no "oh, just clear out a wing", it's the whole thing.

Then I hear from another source that the Judge may be considering home arrest, because they are probably starting to figure out that Trump wants to be jailed.

The problem for them is that he's already calling them out for their lack of balls. I think he's supposed to go to jail/prison. A specific one, even, that's why NY.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea, super weird. People/bots on Reddit constantly talk about how they fear "qanon" supporters.

Do they equally fear flat earthers? I haven't seen that.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stormy is more his type, but I don't really care if they were fucking.

I do absolutely believe they cooked up this scheme, which was just one of many for Cohen. He's a "fixer" who found things to "fix". He had a nice little arrangement with National Enquirer to extort whatever cash he could before getting caught.

He doth protest too much.

And lies. Lots of lies.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

IIRC, they were only going to give us a small percentage of the bad.

We asked for more.

They agreed.

None of this should be brand new to us, we all have come to our conclusions awhile ago, through various means. Q was a lens that put everything in focus and now we're here.

It's going to get worse but that will hopefully help get the brain washing out.

Secure your family, secure your home.

Prepare for the worst - hope for the best.

randomnumbers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, they tried to coerce me into getting the death jab to keep my job.

My blessed doctor said don't take it because I could have a reaction (specifically, myocarditis, which conviently the media was just starting to admit to at the time).

After they "reviewed" my medical note, the panel of doctors my employer enlisted said they knew better and rejected my note. So they fired me.

Long story short, after filing a grievence they suddenly realized that it's illegal to medically discriminate in Canada. I wanted to take them to the cleaners for a cool 10mill... but I know that karma will come for them eventually. My wife says I'm too nice for my own good sometimes.

However, what they put me through for a year was clearly psychological torture, in addition to the financial burden.

Some days you think, "oh if I just take it, this problem goes away. But then I'll probably die, so what the fuck??! Why the hell am I the only one thinking this through?!"

All that said, that is NOTHING compared to what happend in the OP. That is straight up VILE and someone needs to pay for that.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is correct.

Everyone here should know that the final action that the opposition will take is to crash the econ (once the US fails, the rest of the West follows).

The passing of those bills for UKR, ISL, Taiwan reveals the direction. What most people don't understand is that they've already spent that money - those bills are meant to balance the books.

They have been and will continue to blindly spend because they have no means or will to pay that back. They know the econ is fucked, so they are having a party.

The only way is through.

I'm athiest but... God speed.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't need to convince every person - just the people that have power to send troops, so they can try to make it true. They are trying to start a world war.

From there, they crash econ globally.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortuntely, I had the same thought. Some of the pieces he had fit together, but they do not paint the full picture.

The media could claim this as one of theirs, since they worked tirelessly to malign us.

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