Just overwhelmed by some things going on with family & my children. I just need to have the comfort of our Savior & to make sure all my children are protected during this hard time in our lives.
Getting exhausted frens & just could use some heavenly help to keep it all together with the cards I have been dealt.
edit- Ex has been getting onrey & trying to cause many problems. God has always kept my kids with me, just stresses me out every time this happens.
( respectfully ) - "Your Children" ??? Here's a little secret for ya ! They are his / her children as well . . . I don't know your circumstances - but stating and proclaiming that they are "Your Children" isn't a good start for future days ahead. ( the children first , you next , and your X , as well. ) I'll pray that your broken Family can attain servility , compassion , and mutual understanding. God bless & good luck.