Just overwhelmed by some things going on with family & my children. I just need to have the comfort of our Savior & to make sure all my children are protected during this hard time in our lives.
Getting exhausted frens & just could use some heavenly help to keep it all together with the cards I have been dealt.
edit- Ex has been getting onrey & trying to cause many problems. God has always kept my kids with me, just stresses me out every time this happens.
What I see as betrayal may be different than yours, but, boil it down to this: I asked my friend to define Free will, the last day he was my best Friend.
Don’t give up on himyet. Give them time to define it. I’m praying that you both mend the fence. My best friend thinks I’m nuts. It’s okay, though. She’s asking questions now. Baby steps😊
lets just say, i didn't order the icing on the cake but found out it was there anyway.
its a Cortezian move, no going back as far as I can see.
But I still will converse with them. A human is a human any way you .... wait: people are people.