Next week is Holy Week. Christ was arrested and tried and hung on a Cross. But He rose again three days after His death. Christ was the sacrificial lamb for our eternal salvation.
Supposedly, Trump has been indicted. It just came out he will be arraigned next week. He will most likely have a mug shot taken along with finger prints, etc.
He is being scorned by the Globalists and they are hoping to remove him from running for POTUS.
Trump is taking the slings and arrows for all of us to save us from the Deep State Plans for us. So he has become the sacrifical lamb in order to save us all from those plans. Trump will not die, but he will rise again (most likely not even having to stand trial) or because he gets off. And he will win the Presidential Election in 2024 thereby saving us from the deep state plans of a New World Order.
It will be BIBLICAL
Let's be careful comparing Trump to Jesus. While I get what you are trying to say. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING compares to the sacrifices, pain, and love Christ showed for us during those times and still does. Trump at best is helping set us free from clutches of an enemy human. Not giving us salvation. Trump is a lost, corrupted, fallen human that needs a savior. Jesus was perfect truth and love sent to set us free. Jesus Christ is King. At best Trump is being used to bring Glory to God.
Amen! The only name I proclaim is Jesus. One Messiah.
Amen. King of King. Lord of Lords. Hallelujah. We love you Jesus