Productive work and purpose are what gives value to life. It provides a sense of value and worth. It is an important part of life. Without it, you end up a 40 year old living in your parents basement bitching about "rich" capitalists stealing everything from you while you smoke pot. It is true that the hard working people have been robbed by the governments and used as a flock for shearing, but not all of it is wrong. The system in and of itself isn't evil. The system has been corrupted and perverted. We need roads, dams, sewage and water treatment systems. We pay for the building, we pay for the services and we pay for the maintenance. At some point, we need to take back control and abolish the corruption, but to denigrate hard work is ridiculous. If everyone plays all day, every day we all starve while sitting in our own waste. We need to start teaching Aesop's fables and traditional folklore. The life lessons instilled in those stories is the morality destilled from millenia.
Productive work and purpose are what gives value to life. It provides a sense of value and worth. It is an important part of life. Without it, you end up a 40 year old living in your parents basement bitching about "rich" capitalists stealing everything from you while you smoke pot. It is true that the hard working people have been robbed by the governments and used as a flock for shearing, but not all of it is wrong. The system in and of itself isn't evil. The system has been corrupted and perverted. We need roads, dams, sewage and water treatment systems. We pay for the building, we pay for the services and we pay for the maintenance. At some point, we need to take back control and abolish the corruption, but to denigrate hard work is ridiculous. If everyone plays all day, every day we all starve while sitting in our own waste. We need to start teaching Aesop's fables and traditional folklore. The life lessons instilled in those stories is the morality destilled from millenia.
Exactly how I feel too, fren.