Definitely. We were meant to accumulate wealth in our youth and compound that wealth through generations. Theft has gotten so bad that if you finally start to make 6 figures, you really only take home 75-80K. And you're gaslit into believing that this is enough cash, when apartment costs are rising, housing costs are ridiculous due to being bought up, energy costs are being jacked due to tyrannical agendas...
We were not meant to treat life as a laborious rat race. Our contributions to society were never supposed to last our whole lives with no reprieve.
You don't need UBI to reach the goals outlined in the image... you need less government theft, better prices due to manufacturing in our own homeland, and a removal of non citizen that keeps citizens from seeing a dime from jobs that could be theirs.
If you weren't taxed double digit percentages of your income, then taxed again for gas, and taxed again for purchases, and taxed on your property including improvements you funded and were taxed on, we could easily achieve most of these.
Definitely. We were meant to accumulate wealth in our youth and compound that wealth through generations. Theft has gotten so bad that if you finally start to make 6 figures, you really only take home 75-80K. And you're gaslit into believing that this is enough cash, when apartment costs are rising, housing costs are ridiculous due to being bought up, energy costs are being jacked due to tyrannical agendas...
We were not meant to treat life as a laborious rat race. Our contributions to society were never supposed to last our whole lives with no reprieve.
You don't need UBI to reach the goals outlined in the image... you need less government theft, better prices due to manufacturing in our own homeland, and a removal of non citizen that keeps citizens from seeing a dime from jobs that could be theirs.
If you weren't taxed double digit percentages of your income, then taxed again for gas, and taxed again for purchases, and taxed on your property including improvements you funded and were taxed on, we could easily achieve most of these.