I witnessed the death of two parents. One died in his forties, working two jobs. The other in her early sixties, just before retirement. Neither got to enjoy the product of their labor. They have grandchildren that they never met because of their premature deaths.
Working just to have a place to live so you can sleep so you can get up to work again is not a free life. You are on a prison planet. Those few hours on the weekend are not a free life. Waiting until retirement is no way to live.
I witnessed the death of two parents. One died in his forties, working two jobs. The other in her early sixties, just before retirement. Neither got to enjoy the product of their labor. They have grandchildren that they never met because of their premature deaths.
Working just to have a place to live so you can sleep so you can get up to work again is not a free life. You are on a prison planet. Those few hours on the weekend are not a free life. Waiting until retirement is no way to live.