Hey Pedes, looking for clarity on a theory I'm mentally mulling around. It's kind of wild, but also, could have drastic implications if there is any truth to this.
I'll preface this by saying I am a believer in Christ, and only looking for truth, please don't shoot the messenger, this is an open debate and one I expect to see some heated emotions over.
The Greek word for "ante" is "αντι-", and although the current accepted translation of ἀντίχριστος is Anti-christ, there is little literature to explain the use of Anti vs Ante.
There is a possibility that the word "antichrist" in the Bible has been mistranslated or misunderstood, and that it may actually refer to an "ante-Christ," or a precursor to the coming of Christ, similar to how John the Baptist preceded Jesus. The book of Revelation, a highly symbolic and metaphorical text, may not actually predict a future apocalypse or end times, but rather symbolizes the ongoing struggle between good and evil in human history. According to this theory, the arrival of the "antechrist" figure may not be a negative event, but rather a necessary step in clearing the way for Jesus' return.
Let's analyze Trumps actions in contrast to the antechristos.
Abraham accords - negotiating peace with Isreal, only to turn his back in 3.5 years time. Does this fit with Biden getting into office?
The concept of a peace deal or covenant made by the antichrist is not explicitly mentioned in the book of Revelation, but it is described in some other parts of the Bible, particularly in the book of Daniel. In Daniel 9:27, it says:
"He [the antichrist] will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."
Is the end of sacrifice, the end of child, human sacrifice to Baal? Or worse? This kind fits to me. Especially considering the Mossad connections with Epstein et al.
in Revelation 13:3, where it says, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." This wound is described as being healed, and as a result, people are amazed and follow the beast.
I've often wondered if Trump gaining the presidency again would fulfill this passage?
There is a lot more to this theory, but it's a lot to type out, I'll leave it at this for now.
There are alternatives to this as well, as Obama/Biden could also fulfill the above prophecy by Biden essentially being an Obama Manchurian candidate. I don't know enough about Obamas political deals with Isreal to make a call on the first one.
One final thing here, Is to look at the way Jesus responded to Caiaphas and the high Jewish court :
You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also."
This is very telling that Jesus did not see YahWeh as his "Father" in heaven. Jesus never once mentioned Yahweh when referencing the father. He used Abba, or other terms.
Thoughts, pedes?
There is a lot of interesting stuff here.
Where is the 3.5 years time coming from? Is it something mentioned in Bible? Or are you referring to current situation? Do you think Trump is turned away from Abraham accord?
This more aptly seems to fit America in general. If we look at where America has been headed for the past few decades - the crimes against children, transgenderism, erosion of human rights, the forever wars, killing millions in Iraq for example and saying it was worth it, brainwashing of people to do crazy things to others - you can say it has become a beast.
And the beast is dying, and at the precipice when everything is exposed and even the sleeping normies wake up, the beast will be dead. But then America will heal and become a new God fearing country - thats the beast healing the wounds.
From what I understand, the two forces in Israel are the Zionists and Ultra Liberals. Obama backed the Ultra Liberals and Iran is the proxy for that. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but thats my understanding of Obama's meddling in Israel.
This reminds me the literal translation of Bible by Mauri Biglino (Clif High talks about this often), where the Elohim refers to group of powerful entities (plural), and Yahweh was just one commander of this group who was ruling the area around Israel. These are the "jealous Gods" of Old Testament.
The God referred to in New Testament seems to be a more benign God, and probably the reason why Jesus refers to this God with different names.
The 3.5 year time is from the Abraham accords, to his usurpation by Biden. Presumably it took at least 6 months to get that going, im talking out my ass here on this one but looking at when it was signed may prove me wrong or right. I'm ok with being wrong here, just a gut feeling.
Great point on America being the focus on this one.
We're any of Obamas deals strong enough to call Peace though? It doesn't quite fit more or less.
Great points and views all around! Appreciate the input
Obama's deals were specifically to create wars, Iran being just one area. Ultimately, according to the 16 years plan, we know that they wanted a false flag nuclear war, followed by pandemics and finally leading to the global enslavement