I don't agree with DOWNLOADING FOR FREE OFF THE INTERNET as something that should be a crime. I don't care what it is. If you "participate" in illegal activities, ie: paying or distributing things that are illegal, etc then that's different of course.
These FED clowns have made simple possession of anything THEY DEEM ILLEGAL from the internet onto your computer a crime in itself. No, it's not. This is more power grab by the FEDs.
I've already stated this a while back in detail. If someone is posting illegal stuff on the internet then you go after the posters..NOT the free downloaders.
If some nutjob posts child porn on Twitter and 100,000 people download it before it's removed, are 100,000 people now pedophiles? Should the FBI bust down the doors of 100,000 homes, confiscate all their computers and throw all of them in prison? Absolutely ludicrous. This FED overreach has got to stop.
I don't agree with DOWNLOADING FOR FREE OFF THE INTERNET as something that should be a crime. I don't care what it is. If you "participate" in illegal activities, ie: paying or distributing things that are illegal, etc then that's different of course.
These FED clowns have made simple possession of anything THEY DEEM ILLEGAL from the internet onto your computer a crime in itself. No, it's not. This is more power grab by the FEDs.
I've already stated this a while back in detail. If someone is posting illegal stuff on the internet then you go after the posters..NOT the free downloaders.
If some nutjob posts child porn on Twitter and 100,000 people download it before it's removed, are 100,000 people now pedophiles? Should the FBI bust down the doors of 100,000 homes, confiscate all their computers and throw all of them in prison? Absolutely ludicrous. This FED overreach has got to stop.
ok, bring on the hate comments.