Worse than that for me. If someone vaccinates me against my will, be it food supply or whatever, the line will have been crossed by them and I'll have gone from peaceful resistor to...well, I'll leave it to the imagination because I don't want you to think I'm a glowie. But at that point, I will no longer be civilized
Pitch forks and torches if they touch the bacon.
Nobody touches MY bacon!!
Worse than that for me. If someone vaccinates me against my will, be it food supply or whatever, the line will have been crossed by them and I'll have gone from peaceful resistor to...well, I'll leave it to the imagination because I don't want you to think I'm a glowie. But at that point, I will no longer be civilized
I see nothing wrong with that statement, @cp0707
Just covering my bases so some jackboot from the EFF 🐝 👁️ doesn't show up at my door, fren