What do you think would be the result of 100+ million angry patriots, refusing to pay taxes. Taxes that go to our enemies, taxes that go to foreign nations who have no interest in helping us or others, but want to maintain a high standard of living off the backs of hard working Americans.
What happens when the government does not have the funds to sponsor terrorism, regime change, and proxy wars.
What happens when they cant give themselves raises because we are fed up, and we won’t allow them to leech off our children’s future.
What happens when Americans no longer have to pay income taxes, and can improve their living conditions and began to start to live and work, vs work to live.
What happens when foreign aid gets transferred back to the American people in the form of better education, healthcare, veteran benefits, and civil service retirement.
What happens when the American people are no longer sucked dry out of their life supply and can began to live more productive lives and seek passions that are otherwise out of reach due to financial limitations.
What happens when those single moms and dads can save money to give their children better lives, be able to have more time with their child, and enjoy the So little precious time with their Sons, and Daughters.
What happens when the American people are no longer worried about how much money they need to pay the bills each month, and start to focus on internal issues and actually have the capital, time, and information to fix these issues or severely reduce the issues when it comes to corruption in government.
What happens when the land of the free is free once more.
The IRS is notified when you withdraw funds from your investments and you are expected to pay taxes on it as income.