posted ago by NanaQ45 ago by NanaQ45 +36 / -1

We have all watched for the last several years as the censored scientists showed us self assembling nanotechnology under electron microscopes. So I live in Florida and I believed (to some extent) in governor Desantis. Now he seems to be completely changing stream. So, now that Trump told us that Desantis is vaxed and boosted, I'm wondering if he's starting to be literally controlled through brain nanotech implants? I have several clients that have completely lost their damn minds since they took the vaccine. I mean lost their minds. They are in memory care units...locked down . I have a couple other clients that are having seizures and their neurologists said it was directly linked to the vaccine. What we don't consider is what happens to the people who don't get sick or crazy. The people it "worked" on? I just don't think it's such a stretch that some of the politicians that took this bio weapon are potentially having their thoughts controlled by the nanotechnology that may have self assembled in their brain or in their central nervous system somehow. What do you think? Obviously the graphene is there for a reason, and there's no medical reason, so why wouldn't they use it? It hurt some, but what about the ones it maybe went "right" in? "Right" in the diabolical sense of the word. It seems to me the whole point was to control people, so what if they're controlling now? Are these people also being used as microphones and surveillance? Can they be listened "through "? We have a lot to consider, I believe.