One thing I don't understand about this is how can one be against a one world/nwo and yet then be okay with a digital global currency that relies on technology that if the governments truly want can easily shut down. I get the appeal but I don't think this leads to gaining back freedom but instead getting closer to a one world currency which will at some point lead to a one world government in my opinion.
If the government could shut it down, they would have done so a long time ago (look at what happened to the liberty dollar's creator). The whole goal of Bitcoin's creation was to create a currency that governments cannot control.
The CIA invited Gavin Anderson, Satoshi's right hand man, to give a presentation to them and explain how Bitcoin works. This was after it got widespread attention due to WikiLeaks accepting Bitcoin donations. Shortly after Gavin went to the CIA is when Satoshi disappeared.
Now why would the CIA be asking to be briefed about what Bitcoin is if they created it?
One thing I don't understand about this is how can one be against a one world/nwo and yet then be okay with a digital global currency that relies on technology that if the governments truly want can easily shut down. I get the appeal but I don't think this leads to gaining back freedom but instead getting closer to a one world currency which will at some point lead to a one world government in my opinion.
If the government could shut it down, they would have done so a long time ago (look at what happened to the liberty dollar's creator). The whole goal of Bitcoin's creation was to create a currency that governments cannot control.
I read the CIA created blockchain and it’s verifiable declassified.
Link pls
Psh tried finding it! I forget the source might have even been a vice. Could have been voat.
It was a diagram about the blockchain being created w source code originating from cia or darpa mil some sorts! It was presented as legit.
The CIA invited Gavin Anderson, Satoshi's right hand man, to give a presentation to them and explain how Bitcoin works. This was after it got widespread attention due to WikiLeaks accepting Bitcoin donations. Shortly after Gavin went to the CIA is when Satoshi disappeared.
Now why would the CIA be asking to be briefed about what Bitcoin is if they created it?
I’m just spitballing off what I’ve seen. Was some diagram detailing blockchain creation through mil or cia! Was presented as documentation.