One thing I don't understand about this is how can one be against a one world/nwo and yet then be okay with a digital global currency that relies on technology that if the governments truly want can easily shut down. I get the appeal but I don't think this leads to gaining back freedom but instead getting closer to a one world currency which will at some point lead to a one world government in my opinion.
If the government could shut it down, they would have done so a long time ago (look at what happened to the liberty dollar's creator). The whole goal of Bitcoin's creation was to create a currency that governments cannot control.
One thing I don't understand about this is how can one be against a one world/nwo and yet then be okay with a digital global currency that relies on technology that if the governments truly want can easily shut down. I get the appeal but I don't think this leads to gaining back freedom but instead getting closer to a one world currency which will at some point lead to a one world government in my opinion.
If the government could shut it down, they would have done so a long time ago (look at what happened to the liberty dollar's creator). The whole goal of Bitcoin's creation was to create a currency that governments cannot control.
I read the CIA created blockchain and it’s verifiable declassified.
Link pls
Psh tried finding it! I forget the source might have even been a vice. Could have been voat.
It was a diagram about the blockchain being created w source code originating from cia or darpa mil some sorts! It was presented as legit.