Which way do you see it playing out? The Storm(mass arrests of the Cabal) or MOASS (Stock Market collapsing) happening first?
I think in order of precipice that MOASS will happen first.
What do you Frenly Apes think?
I hope it's MOASS 1st. Be nice to be in a Lambo when I tell them "I told you so".
I suspect the arrests are steady and ongoing, and anyone you see retiring unexpectedly early was some sort of arrest.
The MOASS will have stages. The first major event will be public acknowledgement that DTCC does not have the shares. SEC will claim that is expected and that it doesn't matter and that the financial system is safe. The press will agree and reinforce that narrative. Eventually apes will have 100% of shares in Computershare and still the cabal will deny it's a problem. The "stock" will continue to "trade" even though there are no shares! GME will begin issuing dividends that aren't paid out and still they will say there is no problem and no prosecutions! Apes will be arrested for "promoting financial hysteria" or some other form of wrongthink. Apes will be offered CBDC junk in exchange for their shares or maybe even have their shares forcefully exchanged for CBDC to "preserve the rules-based order". IRS will get involved and apes will be forced to pay taxes in CBDC on the unrealized market gains shares in order to coerce them to sell. Maybe apes will have their shares confiscated because their CBDC social credit scores are too low to be authorized to own stock.
etc. etc. etc. !
The two constants in all this: 1) It'll take longer than you expect, and 2) It'll get stupider than you expect.
Wow, I think this is dead on. The financial chicanery they will bring to bear has only just begun.
I like the realism in your reasoning. Even if none of that happens, no doubt they're not going down without a dirty fight
God I hope the white hats would take better care of the people that are putting our money behind this to make it happen. Seems reasonable that we should get a pay out for being awake enough to help the plan.