posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +141 / -1

I walked up to the register.

He says, "How do you like what your boy Biden is doing to the country?"

I responded, "I Love it, I think its awesome."

His brother came from back room, he heard us talking.

He says to me, "you know we are at war and what people don't realize, we are losing this war."

I responded, "I agree, we are at war and things are looking brighter each and every day."

He started to get frustrated and said, "You know that Saudi Arabia just decided to start trading their oil for Chinese currency, the dollar is going to be destroyed."

I responded, "I been waiting for this day to come for a long time."

He says, "You can't be serious."

I responded, "You see, when the dollar fails, that means we can tell the Federal Reserve to go fuck themselves. They have been charging the American people $Hundreds of Billions per year interest on money they printed from thin air for many years."

And I continued, "The current financial system has been abused and politicians have been laundering money through all these corrupt banks, its All about to come to a end."

He stood there and stared at me for a good 10 seconds and then got a big smile on his face. He worked it out in his head and seen the light.

He says, "I hope you are right."

I responded as I was walking out, "I give you a 100% guarantee."