posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +31 / -2

It All Began With the Pill https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/04/it_all_began_with_the_pill.html

"... If you want to know the origin of today’s sexual madness—”What’s your pronoun?” “Men can get pregnant.” Little boys get castrated; pubescent girls undergo double mastectomies, and drag queens entertain American kindergarten kids.—it all began with the Pill that re-configured the relationship between men and women as never before since the Garden of Eden. ..."


Severing the connection between sexual activity and reproduction is the root cause of Dylan Mulvaney and Jeffrey Marsh.

Marriage (and sex) is NOT primarily for the man and woman involved: it is a benefit for the community, because marriage is where new young doctors, lawyers, and parking lot attendants come from. The person who will push your wheelchair in the hospital 40 years from now is the neighbour's whiney toddler today.

Marriage --> sex --> babies. As soon as we lost sight of that, all sorts of nonsense came in.