“What imprint will you leave in the sands of history? What will future Americans say we did in our brief time, right here on Earth?” President Donald J. Trump.
What is your Patriotic imprint for America or your country? What will future generations say about your part in destroying the Cabal during WWIII?
Until the end, Where We Go One We Go All, together with God! We Will Win!
To be completely honest, I never gave a rip about political crap. I ignored politics altogether until 2016. I doubt I have personally made any imprint in the sands of history, but I can truly say that from 2016 to current, I have undergone a spiritual transformation.
I now know what it is to cry out to Jesus, and to feel HIS presence comforting me, and carrying me through the storm. I could not sleep for a long time once I discovered what was taking place underground and right under our noses. I went through the stages of grief several times, and can still feel the impact of the hideous truth threatening my courage again from time to time.
Let is be said of me that I became a steadfast prayer warrior during these historical times. Let it be said that my faith grew exponentially, and my desire to encourage those around me was fueled by my own sense of peace found in knowing that God Wins. I have held on to HIS victory over the evil as my source of strength throughout these uncertain moments. My goal is to just bridge the gap for those around me when there is no longer an option to sleep through reality, and the lies are exposed and the hidden truths are finally made known. May my imprint be that I gave someone in dispair some hope and comfort.